CheckPoint VPN setup with WinRT 8.1... "System.ArgumentException: Missing name" at "CheckPointVpnPluginAppBg.CCC..cto r"

Hello everyone.

I'm trying to get the Windows RT 8.1 Preview VPN connectivity working.  I have created a CheckPoint VPN connection, but I get the following messages in the OperationalVerbose event log for the Vpn Client Platform:


Entering Connect (build 159265)


Cannot find profile name

Connect: HRESULT 80070057 System.ArgumentException: Missing name
at CheckPointVpnPluginAppBg.CCC..ctor(VpnChannel channel, String server, String xml)
at CheckPointVpnPluginAppBg.VpnPlugin.Connect(VpnChannel channel)

Leaving Connect




- Mike

June 28th, 2013 6:47pm

Same issue here.  I clean installed Windows 8 then upgraded to 8.1.  Looking forward to a solution.
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July 2nd, 2013 2:37am

I have the same issue... Is there a server side requirement for Checkpoint Firewall?


July 11th, 2013 12:58pm

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